Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I'd Graduate!!!!!

Thanks to Mum & Dad and my family members...

Thanks to my friends.......

Thanks to University of Malaya...

capture tis accidentally.. just for sharing....

Thanks for everything that made me graduated from University of Malaya....!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Men's Health Run 25.07.2009

Finish in 1:22:00

Wednesday, July 15, 2009




Saturday, May 9, 2009

I have back from Pulau Perhentian...

I'd back from Pulau Perhentian...
It's a nice trip...

Thnx for all the co-operation from coursemates...

Thnx for the travel agency....

Thnx the bus driver...


Apologize for any mistake done......

ALL THE BEST TO ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009



我们所拥有的,也不一定就是我们真正铭刻在心的! *****其实人生很多时候需要自觉的放弃!

夕阳易逝的叹息、花开花落的烦恼、人生本是不快乐的! *****因为拥有的时候,我们也许正在失去,





Friday, April 24, 2009

Last day in GHD....

Yesterday was my last day in GHD...
It'd been almost a year in GHD since i'm started having internship..

my colleague, my table, my computer, my supervisor, my boss, my friends..

all the best..
it's really a hard decision..
Thanks for all the co-op and support and care...


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Swimming lesson 2 - breaststroke

File:Phelps 400m IM Missouri GP 2008.jpg

The breaststroke is a swimming style in which the swimmer is on their chest and the torso does not rotate. It is the most popular recreational style due to its stability and the ability to keep the head out of the water a large portion of the time. In most swimming classes, beginners learn either the breaststroke or the front crawl first. But in competitive swimming, the breaststroke is regarded as one of the most difficult strokes, requiring comparable endurance and leg strength to other strokes.

Breaststroke is the slowest of the four official styles in competitive swimming. The fastest breaststroke swimmers can swim about 1.57 meters per second. Although it is the slowest of the four competitive strokes, it is commonly agreed that it is the one of the most difficult when done correctly. It is also often the hardest to teach to rising swimmers due to the importance of timing and the coordination required to move the legs properly.

Breaststroke is swum while leaning on the chest, with the arms only breaking the surface of the water slightly and legs always underwater, while the head is underwater for the second half of the stroke. The kick is sometimes referred to as a "frog kick" because of the resemblance to a frog's kick, but when done correctly it is more of a "whip kick" due to the whip-like motion that moves starting at the core down through the legs.

The body is often at a steep angle to the forward movement. This slows down the swimmer more than any other style. Professional breaststrokers use abdominal muscles and hips to add extra power to the kick, although most do not perfect this technique until the collegiate level. This much faster form of breaststroke is referred to as "wave-action" breaststroke and fully incorporates the whip-kick.

A special feature of competitive breaststroke is the underwater pullout. From the streamline position, one uses the arms to pull all the way down past the hips. As the arms are pulling down, one downward dolphin kick is allowed (as of the 2005 season), though still optional (However, any upward motion with the dolphin kick is strictly forbidden, and will result in a disqualification). This is followed by the recovery of the arms to the streamline position once more, and then a kick. The pullout at the start and after the turns contributes significantly to the swimming times. Therefore one way to improve the swimming times is to focus on the start and the turns.

Of the four competitive strokes of swimming, breaststroke is the most efficient in terms of energy consumption over a specified distance, though it is the slowest.

Information from wikipedia

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Today.. I start to learn swimming...

Today.. i start to learn seriously on swimming.... But i scared....... of water...

then... after training and training... i think i not tat scare d... haha..
Thanx to Coach~Boon Yiang..

History of Swimming

The history of swimming goes way back to that of prehistoric times. Books written from 2000 to 1500 BC including the Bible have references to swimming. It was mostly used in these times as a means of cleansing. Any form of competitive swimming wasn’t formed until the 1800’s in Europe. It was included in the first Olympics in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

It was noted that Ancient Egypt had cave drawings of humans swimming in the nearby sea. They often depicted a form of the breaststroke as the first type of swimming or something they used to call the front crawl. Ancient Egyptian, Grecian and Roman palaces were often equipped with swimming pools or baths. Often reserved for the elite that used them as relaxation pools and cleaning tubs.

It is noted by historians that swimming was also often used in battle. The Greeks were often regarded as solid swimmers and at the Battle of Salamis after a number of both Greek and Persian boats were destroyed it was said that all of the Persians drowned due to their inability to swim while the Greek prevailed.

The history of swimming is much easier to understand than other sports. Without any equipment to speak of an individual can take to the waters. Obviously those countries that had the most access to water were the first to adapt to swimming. History did not have the spreading of the sport as many other sports had encountered because it was basically already available. You either adopted swimming as a means of life or you just chose not to swim.

The evolution of swimming history expanded during the middle ages. A number of individuals took it upon themselves to write books about swimming. They were often focused on the ability to not drown rather than a perfect backstroke as you would imagine. Life saving concepts and techniques began to form throughout the next few hundred years and around the 18th and 19th century the sport began to evolve into more of a competition than just life safety. Swimming Associations and Clubs popped up all over the world. Some of the first in swimming history were in China, Sweden and Germany.

Schools began to believe that swimming was a natural part of any life education. Therefore, they began to teach swimming in schools not just as a life safety course but as an extracurricular activity. Schools and Universities began to adopt these practices and set up clubs and swim teams. Competitions began to arise around the mid 1800’s. England was the first to modernize the sport and incorporate an indoor swimming pool with a swim team. They began to formulate new swimming styles including the sidestroke. Shortly after this, variations of the freestyle began to form and credit can’t really be given to one person as so many were responsible for developing this technique.

The Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens was the first real platform for the sport. There only men competed in a number of events. Throughout the 1900’s the sport evolved and saw a number of stars arise. Johnny Weissmuller, the original Tarzan completed his ten year career by never losing a race and winning five Olympic medals.

Science and technology began to play a part in the sport throughout the 1900’s as well. When scientist and coaches began studying swimmers and there underwater techniques to improve times. The swimsuits began to change as well as any form of resistance was under scrutiny from all competitors. Goggles, swim caps and different variations of training have all evolved as well. The US has seen its share of great Olympians going back to Mark Spitz who won seven gold medals in the 1972 Olympics.

The sport has evolved to a very competitive and fun sport for anyone. That has always been the great appeal that anyone can swim and we have been for the past 3000 years…So goes the history of swimming.

History of Swimming

Author: RecruitCity

The history of swimming goes way back to that of prehistoric times. Books written from 2000 to 1500 BC including the Bible have references to swimming. It was mostly used in these times as a means of cleansing. Any form of competitive swimming wasn’t formed until the 1800’s in Europe. It was included in the first Olympics in 1896 in Athens, Greece.

It was noted that Ancient Egypt had cave drawings of humans swimming in the nearby sea. They often depicted a form of the breaststroke as the first type of swimming or something they used to call the front crawl. Ancient Egyptian, Grecian and Roman palaces were often equipped with swimming pools or baths. Often reserved for the elite that used them as relaxation pools and cleaning tubs.

It is noted by historians that swimming was also often used in battle. The Greeks were often regarded as solid swimmers and at the Battle of Salamis after a number of both Greek and Persian boats were destroyed it was said that all of the Persians drowned due to their inability to swim while the Greek prevailed.

The history of swimming is much easier to understand than other sports. Without any equipment to speak of an individual can take to the waters. Obviously those countries that had the most access to water were the first to adapt to swimming. History did not have the spreading of the sport as many other sports had encountered because it was basically already available. You either adopted swimming as a means of life or you just chose not to swim.

The evolution of swimming history expanded during the middle ages. A number of individuals took it upon themselves to write books about swimming. They were often focused on the ability to not drown rather than a perfect backstroke as you would imagine. Life saving concepts and techniques began to form throughout the next few hundred years and around the 18th and 19th century the sport began to evolve into more of a competition than just life safety. Swimming Associations and Clubs popped up all over the world. Some of the first in swimming history were in China, Sweden and Germany.

Schools began to believe that swimming was a natural part of any life education. Therefore, they began to teach swimming in schools not just as a life safety course but as an extracurricular activity. Schools and Universities began to adopt these practices and set up clubs and swim teams. Competitions began to arise around the mid 1800’s. England was the first to modernize the sport and incorporate an indoor swimming pool with a swim team. They began to formulate new swimming styles including the sidestroke. Shortly after this, variations of the freestyle began to form and credit can’t really be given to one person as so many were responsible for developing this technique.

The Olympic Games of 1896 in Athens was the first real platform for the sport. There only men competed in a number of events. Throughout the 1900’s the sport evolved and saw a number of stars arise. Johnny Weissmuller, the original Tarzan completed his ten year career by never losing a race and winning five Olympic medals.

Science and technology began to play a part in the sport throughout the 1900’s as well. When scientist and coaches began studying swimmers and there underwater techniques to improve times. The swimsuits began to change as well as any form of resistance was under scrutiny from all competitors. Goggles, swim caps and different variations of training have all evolved as well. The US has seen its share of great Olympians going back to Mark Spitz who won seven gold medals in the 1972 Olympics.

The sport has evolved to a very competitive and fun sport for anyone. That has always been the great appeal that anyone can swim and we have been for the past 3000 years…So goes the history of swimming.

About the Author:


Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - History of Swimming

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost

~~ Nice poem to share ~~

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
two roads diverged in a wood, and I --
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Copyright © 1962, 1967, 1970
by Leslie Frost Ballantine.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

《月光精灵 Pixies Of The Moon》

儿童戏剧《月光精灵Pixies Of The Moon》

17/24 Apr 2009 (FRI) 8pm
18/25 Apr 2009 (SAT) 3pm,8pm
19/26 Apr 2009 (SUN) 3pm
地点:般若人文空间 6,2nd Floor,Jln Panggong 50000 KL.


我 的小时候就是这样,老爱看月亮,跟月亮说话,月亮也会一直看着我。如果没有把记忆混淆的话,应该是在近圣诞节时期。爸爸也把传说中的圣诞老人带到了我的现 实生活中,他让我在二楼的露台前大声的对圣诞老人说出我想得到的礼物。圣诞老人也从没令我着幼小的心灵失望,爸爸给了我一个了不起的开始,也因此成就了现 在还爱发梦的我。是混淆了也好,不是也罢,月亮和露台,这个画面是到现在还很熟悉的、很温暖的。







No english version.. No time to translate in english.....

(information taken from http://gracelooicm.blogspot.com/2009/03/pixies-of-moon.html)

Our friend.. D'Shean.... had again.. performs in tis "kids" drama...
so.. anyone interested to go and support him??
it's located at Petaling's Street.. RM15 for the ticket...
I would suggest 18/25 april 3pm...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Slow Internet Connection this few days....

A submarine cable in the Middle East has been snapped, adding to global net problems caused by breaks in two lines under the Mediterranean on Wednesday.The earlier break disrupted service in Egypt, the Middle East and India. “The situation is critical for us in terms of congestion,” Omar Sultan, chief executive of Dubai’s ISP DU, told The Associated Press, following the most recent break.

South East Asia network mostly will route from your country to Taiwan, India and other country and as India line faced the same problem and it cause us getting the same problem as well. Singapore line mostly route the other way to Australia and will not affected

Can't login to MSN messenger and facebook for few days d....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kinds of meeting

The worse kind of meeting is a meeting like a fish,
since the more you meet, the fishier the smell gets;

The kind of meeting you should be most cautious of, is a meeting like a flower blossom,
since when it's blooming, it's a joy, but once it shrivels, it's thrown way;

The kind of meeting that's the most beautiful is a meeting like a handkerchief,
when things are rough, your sweat is wiped away,
and when you're sad, your tears are wiped away...

Credit: B.O.F

Friday, March 27, 2009

清明节,Qing Ming,Tomb-sweeping Day或者Pure Brightness



清明节古时也叫三月节, 已有2500多年历史。在二十四个节气中,既是节气又是节日的只有清明和冬至,且清明影响相对更大更广。 由于二十四节气反映了一年四季气温、降雨、物候等方面的变化,所以古代劳动人民用它安排农事活动。公历4月5日前后为清明节,二十四节气之一。清明节是中 国重要的传统民俗节日之一,2006年被列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。清明一到,气温升高,是春耕春种的大好时节,故有“清明前后,种瓜种豆”“ 植树造林,没过清明”的农谚。由于清明与寒食的日子接近,而寒食是民间禁火扫墓的日子,渐渐地,寒食与清明就合二为一了,而寒食即成为清明的别称,也变成 清明时节的一个习俗,清明之日不动烟火,只吃凉的食品。

Tomb-sweeping Day或者Pure Brightness


  古有清明前一天为“寒食节”之说,相传起于春秋时期晋文公悼念介子推“割股充饥”一事,后逐渐 清明寒食合二为一。唐代扫墓日期一般在寒食节,宋后移到清明。传说中“寒食节”的起源地就在山西中部介休,介休一名的来历即是为纪念介子推“割股充饥”而 不图为报,最终在此被大火烧山而亡,绵山也因此又称“介山”。


  清明节流行扫墓,其实扫墓乃清明节前一天寒食节的 内容,寒食相传起于晋文公悼念介之推一事。唐玄宗开元二十年诏令天下,“寒食上墓”。因寒食与清明相接,后来就逐渐传成清明扫墓了。明清时期,清明扫墓更 为盛行。古时扫墓,孩子们还常要放风筝。有的风筝上安有竹笛,经风一吹能发出响声,犹如筝的声音,据说风筝的名字也就是这么来的。







  清明节,又叫踏青节,按阳历来说,它是在每年的4月4日至6日之间,正是春光明媚草木吐绿的时节,也正是人们春游(古代叫踏青)的好时候,所以古人有清明踏青,并开展一系列体育活动的习俗。 清明节古时也叫三月节,已有2000多年历史。

  公历四月五日前后为清明节,是二十四节气之一。在二十四个节气中,既是节气又 是节日的只有清明和冬至。它的原意是大自然已经到了转暖的时候,万物开始复苏,可以春耕播种了。中国古代将清明分为三候:“一候桐始华;二候田鼠化为鹌; 三候虹始见。”意即在这个时节先是白桐花开放,接着喜阴的田鼠不见了,全回到了地下的洞中,然后是雨后的天空可以见到彩虹了。

  由于二十四节气比较客观地反映了一年四季气温、降雨、物候等方面的变化,所以古代劳动人民用它 安排农事活动。《淮南子·天文训》云:“春分后十五日,斗指乙,则清明风至。”按《岁时百问》的说法:“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净。故谓之清明。”清明 一到,气温升高,雨量增多,正是春耕春种的大好时节。故有“清明前后,点瓜种豆”、“植树造林,莫过清明”的农谚。可见这个节气与农业生产有着密切的关 系。

  但是,清明作为节日,与纯粹的节气又有所不同。节气是中国物候变化、时令顺序的标志,而节日则 包含着一定的风俗活动和某种纪念意义。清明节是中国传统节日,也是最重要的祭祀节日,是祭祖和扫墓的日子。扫墓俗称上坟,祭祀死者的一种活动。汉族和一些 少数民族大多都是在清明节扫墓。按照旧的习俗,扫墓时,人们要携带酒食果品、纸钱等物品到墓地,将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将纸钱焚化,为坟墓培上新土,折 几枝嫩绿的新枝插在坟上,然后叩头行礼祭拜,最后吃掉酒食回家。唐代诗人杜牧的诗《清明》:“清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有?牧童遥指 杏花村。”写出了清明节的特殊气氛。 直到今天,清明节祭拜祖先,悼念已逝的亲人的习俗仍很盛行。


  十多年后,重耳终于回国当上了国君,即春秋五霸之一的晋文公,并逐一犒赏流亡期间曾协助他的 人,却忘了介之推,他经旁人提醒,才赶忙差人请介之推前来领赏。可是,介之推和母亲到深山隐居。晋文公与臣子在山中遍寻不获,有人提议放火烧山,介之推是 孝子,一定会救母亲出来。可是,大火烧了三日三夜,仍不见介之推。火熄灭后,人们在一棵柳树下发现介之推背着母亲的尸体。晋文公非常伤心和懊悔,将二人安 葬在柳树下。晋文公将放火烧山的一天,定为寒食节,规定人民禁止用火,寒食一天,以纪念介之推的忠诚。


  在春光明媚、桃红柳绿的三四月间,中国传统习俗中最重视的节日就是清明节了。清明节就是现在的 民族扫墓节。按主日说,约在四月五日前后,按农历,则是在三月上半月。古人把一年分为二十四节气,以这种岁时历法来播种、收成,清明便是二十四节气之一, 时在春分后十五天,按“岁时百问”的说法:“万物生长此时,皆清洁而明净。故谓之清明。”所以,“清明”本为节气名,后来加了寒食禁火及埽墓的习俗才形成 清明节的。


  在墓前祭祖扫墓,这个习俗在中国起源甚早。早在西周时对墓葬就十分重视。东周战国时代《孟子· 齐人篇》也曾提及一个为人所耻笑的齐国人,常到东郭坟墓同乞食祭墓的祭品,可见战国时代扫墓之风气十分盛行。到了唐玄宗时,下诏定寒食扫墓为当时“五礼” 之一,因此每逢清明节来到,“田野道路,士女遍满,皂隶佣丐,皆得父母丘墓。”(柳宗元《与许京兆书》)扫墓遂成为社会重要风俗。

  而在仍有些寒冷的春天,又要禁火吃冷食,怕有些老弱妇孺耐不住寒冷,也为了防止寒食冷餐伤身,于是就定了踏青、郊游、荡秋千, 踢足球、打马球、插柳,拔河,斗鸡等户外活动,让大家出来晒晒太阳,活动活动筋骨,增加抵抗力。 因此,清明节除了祭祖扫墓之外,还有各项野外健身活动,使这个节日,除了有慎终追远的感伤,还融合了欢乐赏春的气氛;既有生离死别的悲酸泪,又到处是一派 清新明丽的生动景象。真是一个极富特色,非常特别的节日。


  《汉书.严延年传》载,严氏即使离京千里也要在清明“还归东海扫墓地”。就中国人祖先崇拜和亲 族意识的发达、强固来看,严延年的举动是合情合理的。因此后世把上古没有纳入规范的墓祭也归入五礼之中:“士庶之家,宜许上墓,编入五礼,永为常式。”得 到官方的肯定,墓祭之风必然大盛。 清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、敦亲睦族及行孝的具体表现,基于上述意义,清明节因此成为华人的重要节日。




  荡秋千 这是中国古代清明节习俗。秋千,意即揪着皮绳而迁移。它的历史很古老,最早叫千秋,后为了避忌讳,改为秋千。古时的秋千多用树桠枝为架,再栓上彩带做成。 后来逐步发展为用两根绳索加上踏板的秋千。荡秋千不仅可以增进健康,而且可以培养勇敢精神,至今为人们特别是儿童所喜爱。

  蹴鞠 鞠是一种皮球,球皮用皮革做成,球内用毛塞紧。蹴鞠,就是用足去踢球。这是古代清明节时人们喜爱的一种游戏。相传是黄帝发明的,最初目的是用来训练武士。
  踏青 又叫春游。古时叫探春、寻春等。三月清明,春回大地,自然界到处呈现一派生机勃勃的景象,正是郊游的大好时光。中国民间长期保持着清明踏青的习惯。

  植树 清明前后,春阳照临,春雨飞洒,种植树苗成活率高,成长快。因此,自古以来,中国就有清明植树的习惯。有人还把清明节叫作“植树节”。植树风俗一直流传至 今。1979年,人大常委会规定,每年三月十二日为中国植树节。这对动员全国各族人民积极开展绿化祖国活动,有着十分重要的意义。

  放风筝 也是清明时节人们所喜爱的活动。每逢清明时节,人们不仅白天放,夜间也放。夜里在风筝下或风稳拉线上挂上一串串彩色的小灯笼,象闪烁的明星,被称为“神灯 ”。过去,有的人把风筝放上蓝天后,便剪断牵线,任凭清风把它们送往天涯海角,据说这样能除病消灾,给自己带来好运。

  扫墓 清明扫墓,谓之对祖先的“思时之敬”。其习俗由来已久。明《帝京景物略》载:“三月清明日,男女扫墓,担提尊榼,轿马后挂楮锭,粲粲然满道也。拜者、酹 者、哭者、为墓除草添土者,焚楮锭次,以纸钱置坟头。望中无纸钱,则孤坟矣。哭罢,不归也,趋芳树,择园圃,列坐尽醉。”其实,扫墓在秦以前就有了,但不 一定是在清明之际,清明扫墓则是秦以后的事。到唐朝才开始盛行。《清通礼》云:“岁,寒食及霜降节,拜扫圹茔,届期素服诣墓,具酒馔及芟剪草木之器,周胝 封树,剪除荆草,故称扫墓。”并相传至今。

  清明祭扫仪式本应亲自到茔地去举行,但由于每家经济条件和其它条件不一样,所以祭扫的方式也就 有所区别。“烧包袱”是祭奠祖先的主要形式。所谓“包袱”,亦作“包裹”是指孝属从阳世寄往“阴间”的邮包。过去,南纸店有卖所谓“包袱皮”,即用白纸糊 一大口袋。有两种形式:一种是用木刻版,把周围印上梵文音译的《往生咒》,中间印一莲座牌位,用来写上收钱亡人的名讳,如:“已故张府君讳云山老大人”字 样,既是邮包又是牌位。另一种是素包袱皮,不印任何图案,中间只贴一蓝签,写上亡人名讳即可。亦做主牌用。关于包袱里的冥钱,种类很多。
  五、用金银箔叠成的元宝、锞子,有的还要用线穿成串,下边缀一彩纸穗。旧时,不拘贫富均有烧包 袱的举动。是日,在祠堂或家宅正屋设供案,将包袱放于正中,前设水饺、糕点、水果等供品,烧香秉烛。全家依尊卑长幼行礼后,即可于门外焚化。焚化时,划一 大圈,按坟地方向留一缺口。在圈外烧三五张纸,谓之“打发外祟”。

  有的富户要携家带眷乘车坐轿,亲到坟茔去祭扫。届时要修整坟墓,或象征性地给坟头上添添土,还 要在上边压些纸钱,让他人看了,知道此坟尚有后人。祭罢,有的围坐聚餐饮酒;有的则放起风筝,甚至互相比赛,进行娱乐活动。妇女和小孩们还要就近折些杨柳 枝,将撤下的蒸食供品用柳条穿起来。有的则把柳条编成箩圈状,戴在头上,谓“清明不戴柳,来生变黄狗”。此即是扫墓又是郊游,兴尽方归。

  插柳 据说,插柳的风俗,也是为了纪念“教民稼穑”的农事祖师神农氏的。有的地方,人们把柳枝插在屋檐下,以预报天气,古谚有“柳条青,雨蒙蒙;柳条干,晴了天 ”的说法。黄巢起义时规定,以“清明为期,戴柳为号”。起义失败后,戴柳的习俗渐被淘汰,只有插柳盛行不衰。杨柳有强大的生命力,俗话说:“有心栽花花不 发,无心插柳柳成荫。”柳条插土就活,插到哪里,活到哪里,年年插柳,处处成荫。

  清明节春风明媚,绿树成荫。人们在这一天踏青、扫墓、上坟。人人都要戴柳,家家户户门口插柳 枝。这个习俗究竟从何而来呢?关于清明节有个传说和宋代大词人柳永有关。据说柳永生活放荡常往来于花街柳巷之中。当时的歌妓无不爱其才华,并以受柳永青睐 为荣。但因为生活不轨,柳永一生为仕途所不容,虽中过进士最后却于襄阳贫困而亡。他的墓葬费用都是仰慕他的歌女集资的。每年清明节,歌女们都到他坟前插柳 枝以示纪念,久而久之就成了清明插柳的习俗。其实这个习俗早在唐代就有了。唐人认为三月三在河边祭祀时,头戴柳枝可以摆脱毒虫的伤害。宋元以后,清明节插 柳的习俗非常盛行,人们踏青玩游回来,在家门口插柳以避免虫疫。无论是民间传说还是史籍典章的记载,清明节插柳总是与避免疾疫有关。春节气候变暖,各种病 菌开始繁殖,人们在医疗条件差的情况下只能寄希望于摇摇柳枝了。

  清明插柳戴柳还有一种说法:原来中国人以清明、七月半和十月朔为三大鬼节,是百鬼出没讨索之 时。人们为防止鬼的侵扰迫害,而插柳戴柳。柳在人们的心目中有辟邪的功用。受佛教的影响,人们认为柳可以却鬼,而称之为“鬼怖木”,观世音以柳枝沾水济度 众生。北魏贾思勰《齐民要术》里说:“取柳枝著户上,百鬼不入家。”清明既是鬼节,值此柳条发芽时节,人们自然纷纷插柳戴柳以辟邪了。 汉人有“折柳赠别”的风俗:灞桥在长安东,跨水作桥,汉人送客至此桥,折柳赠别。李白有词云:“年年柳色,灞陵伤别。”古代长安灞桥两岸,堤长十里,一步 一柳,由长安东去的人多到此地惜别,折柳枝赠别亲人,因“柳”与“留”谐音,以表示挽留之意。这种习俗最早起源于《诗经.小雅.采薇》里“昔我往矣,杨柳 依依”。用离别赠柳来表示难分难离,不忍相别,恋恋不舍的心意。杨柳是春天的标志,在春天中摇曳的杨柳,总是给人以欣欣向荣之感。“折柳赠别”就蕴含着“ 春常在”的祝愿。古人送行折柳相送,也喻意亲人离别去乡正如离枝的柳条,希望他到新的地方,能很快地生根发芽,好像柳枝之随处可活。它是一种对友人的美好 祝愿。古人的诗词中也大量提及折柳赠别之事。唐代权德舆诗:“新知折柳赠”,宋代姜白石诗:“别路恐无青柳枝”,明代郭登诗:“年年长自送行人,折尽边城 路旁柳。”清代陈维崧词:“柳条今剩几?待折赠。”人们不但见了杨柳会引起别愁,连听到《折杨柳》曲,也会触动离绪。李白《春夜洛城闻笛》:“此夜曲中闻 折柳,何人不起故园情。”其实,柳树可以有多方面的象征意义,古人又赋予柳树种种感情,于是借柳寄情便是情理中之事了。

  烤饼 在四川一带都用清明菜和面粉辣椒等混合烤制清明饼,色香味极佳。

  清明菜粑:贵州安顺屯堡一带把一种在清明节时期才会有的一种野生植物----- 清明菜(本地话又称为毛毛花,因其形似一朵花,且杆上面有许多小毛毛)和面粉混合,通过一种独特的手工工艺做成“粑粑状”,再包上陷(一般是本地春菜拌 肉、“引子”(苏麻籽)拌红糖,酸辣子炒肉等),通过屯堡一带一种独特的土砂锅在煤火上煎烤而成。清明节屯堡人每家每户都会做,由于清明菜是一种纤维植 物,一口咬下去会有“拔丝”的现象,口感极佳。可当零食,也可当主食,可放置时间极长,据说是在明朝朱元璋时期百姓为行军打仗之时士兵随带方便而做。

Start to think a lot nowadays...

Working and studying??
Whatever the choice..
will change the life i think..

No matter how...
future is unpredictable..
before any problems prevails,
let the happiness to continue first...

Let's celebrate...
I'm gonna working soon..

p/s: completed 6.5km with speed 6:18 today..

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

60 Earth Hour

Turn Off your lights for ONE hour
8.30pm Saturday 28.03.2009
Help us reach the Malaysian target of 5 million sign-ups

Monday, March 23, 2009

后青春期的诗 - 九把刀



四十五把圓月彎刀 跨界同名全新創作



但我們決定, 不管這些夢想多麼困難奇怪,所有人都要努力幫對方完成……



九把刀 Giddens







Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leg Workout

1. Warm Up

10 minutes

2. Leg Press Machine

Leg Press Machine

The leg press is best machine leg exercise. Most leg press machines are set on a 45 degree angle. With the leg press you can safely lift heavy weights without worrying about slipping or falling. It places less stress on the lower back and knees then squats.

3 x 10times x 100kg

3. Hack Squat Machine

Hack Squat Machine

This is a good variation of the traditional barbell squat. This is good for developing the outer sweep of the thighs.

3 x 10times x 90lbs

4. Abs -X

3 x 10times

5. Leg Extension Machine

Leg Extension Machine

This machine is excellent for isolating the quadriceps muscles.

3 x 10times x 25kg

6. Leg Curl Machine

Leg Curl Machine

This machine is one of the best hamstring exercises. Some gyms may have a leg extension and leg curl machine built into one machine, like in most home gym machines.

3 x 10times x 25kg

7. Leg Adduction / Abduction Machine

Leg Abduction Machine

Leg Adduction Machine

This machine works the inner thighs (adduction) and the outer thighs (abduction). Some gyms have two separate machines for adduction and abduction, while other gyms will have both exercises combined into one machine.

3 x 10times x 50kg each

8. Abs -X

3 x 10times

9. Lunges


3x10timesx10lbs each hand

10. Squat

Stand in position shown, keep wider than shoulder width apart, toes facing slightly out for balance then bend your knees keeping your back straight until your thighs are parallel with the floor then straight your legs and stand up again. Perform the exercise slowly and do not bounce at the bottom of the exercise. Keep hands held yout in front of you for balance or cross them across your chest.

For a bit of variety either perform the exercise very slowly or very quickly so that you jump a few inches off the ground at the top of every movement.

squat squat


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Civil Trip Payment Detail 5

~~~No Hard Feeling~~~

Just to announce that Chin Chai becomes the FIRST to settle the fees to Pulau Perhentian..

NOW, Payment can be made by two times...

Those who had paid the deposit..
Can start paying RM125 now,
the leftover can be made after 17th April.


Pls pay to TJM, Patrick or me asap...

Do sms me if ya wish to transfer through Maybank2u.com

copyrighted Civil Engineering 2005/2006

Friday, March 20, 2009

Civil Trip Payment Detail 4

Dear Coursemates....

We will have a Special BBQ Dinner party on the 2nd night of our stay (the night before we're going back to PJ) at Flora Bay Resort Pulau Perhentian.

As a result......

Additional RM25 will be needed for this.. Pls include this when u settle your FINAL payment to TJM, Patrick or me... Thanks..


Pls settle the payment from now till 17th April !!!

Do sms me if u wish to transfer payment through Maybank2u.com

copyrighted Civil Engineering 2005/2006

Flora Bay Resort - Pulau Perhentian

( Taken from http://www.florabayresort.com/)

Flora Bay Resort; a “true Malaysian style holiday resort”! Offering 5-star services in a more relaxed & friendly atmosphere. A family own beach resort, Flora Bay Resort open its door to Perhentian Island’s international guests in since 1990.

Our resort is situated on a beautiful long sandy beach of Teluk Dalam. Facing the south; our resort offers brilliant view of Lang Tengah, Redang Island and other islands nearby.

All of our 80 rooms and bungalows are just a few steps away from the water! In fact, your night sleeps will seems to be serenaded by the graceful sound of gentle waves breaking just outside your doorstep!

Beautiful nature, breathtaking sea view, cozy and comfortable resort facilities coupled with attentive, personal and friendly service; Flora Bay Resort is perfect for everyone; whether you are a lonely traveler, couple on honeymoon, family, young or old…..we will make your stay with us the most enjoyable and memorable one!

See you in “paradise”….

Our resort facilities

80 guest rooms & bungalows
• 5 Different room standards
• Right by the ocean
• Private balcony
• King, Queen or Super Single size beds
• Wardrobe
• Private bathroom & toilet
• Hot water(except for Hill View)
• Mini fridge in each room (except for Hill View)
• Cleaned daily
• 24 hours electricity

Broadband internet
• Internet Cafe - Open from 9am till 11pm
• Internet surfing and emails
• Wireless internet services

Conference hall
• Seats up to 100 guests
• Dinner party
• Meeting & Seminar
• Equipped with state of the art audio & visual equipment

Other services
Laundry service
Complimentary Safety Deposit box for each room
Movie show at the restaurant
IDD Telephone calls - iTalk phone
Air, Train and bus ticket bookings & other travel arrangements


Souvenir Shop
• Memory gifts
• Local handy craft
• Batik products
• Shirts
• Everyday necessities
• Toys

Our Restaurants

2 restaurants
• Open from 7am till 10.30pm
• Wide variety of local favourites (Malay, Indian and Chinese food)
• Popular western cuisines
• Fresh Seafood
• Fresh local juices
• Special BBQ Dinner party (upon request & special occasion)
• Special set Lunches and Dinners (special occasion)
• Movie DVDs
• Cable TV (movies, sports, news, Discovery & NGEO)

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Click to view full size image

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Civil Trip Payment Detail 3

Our Civil trip had reached 35 PPL !!!!!

Pls help to spread summore.. then contact TJM, Patrick or me..

The registration is still opened.. ( But pls pay the deposit.. )

NOW reached 36 PPL !!!!! (updated 20.3.09 21:26)

Rayner is joining us......

copyrighted Civil Engineering 2005/2006

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vending Machine in Japan

Everything is simply possible in Japan...

Egg machine features farm fresh eggs

Ten kilo bags of rice can purchased from this machine. It features eight different varieties for $30-40!

These photo printing machines accept smart media, memory stick, compact flash, zip, CD, CD-RW , MO and of course floppy disks

Flower Machine

Flight/travel insurance machine

Machines filled with pornography

French fries, dumplings, hot dogs, etc are available from this machine

"Used" school girl panties

Hello Kitty Popcorn
