Taken from http://www.xpsoftware.com.au/products/xpswmm.htm
xpswmm is a comprehensive software package for modeling stormwater, sanitary and river systems. xpswmm is used by scientists, engineers and managers to develop link-node (1D) and spatially distributed hydraulic models (2D). It simulates natural rainfall-runoff processes and the performance of engineered systems that manage our water resources.

xpswmm models are used for the analysis, design and operation of storm and wastewater systems. It also simulates flow and pollutant transport in engineered and natural systems including ponds, rivers, lakes, floodplains and the interaction with groundwater.
xpswmm is a dynamic unsteady flow model rather than a steady state or standard step model. Our program is therefore capable of delivering results far more accurately and closer to real life than a steady state model will be able to accomplish. Dynamic models allow the effects of storage and backwater in conduits and floodplains and the timing of the hydrographs to yield a true representation of the HGL at any point in space and time.
xpswmm simulates the complete hydrologic cycle in rural and urban watersheds. Beginning with single or multiple rainfall events and dry weather flows, it models flows through collection, conveyance and treatment systems to the final outfalls. All hydrologic processes including infiltration, temporary storage and ground-surface water exchanges are included in the model. The software provides a fast solution for analyzing the design of the most complex hydraulic networks including loops, tidal inflows, hydraulic structures, regulators, multiple time varying boundary conditions and distributed storage structures
xpswmm uses OLE and ODBC database connections to quickly exchange data to/from any existing hydraulic model, asset management database or GIS. Results can be displayed and animated in plan and profile views, organized into tables, charts, or even 3D AVI movies.

Typically, xpswmm is used for:
Stormwater Management
- Stormwater master plans
- Major/Minor or Dual Drainage Systems
- Watershed master planning
- 1D drainage network with 2D overland flow hydraulics
- Detention pond optimization
- Subdivision drainage
Sanitary and Combined Collection Systems
River Systems and Floodplain Management
- 1D and 2D River Hydraulic
- Identifying flood hazards
- Culvert and Bridge Analysis Generating flood maps
Key features within xpswmm include:
- GIS Integration - connect to OBDC compliant databases, import and display ESRI shape files and MapInfo files. The purpose of the GIS link is to facilitate the import and export of modeling data from GIS and other data sources such as spreadsheets, asset management software and OLE/ODBC compliant databases. It also allows the inclusion of shape files as background layers and the data to be viewed and manipulated in our productive XP graphical environment.
- Animations - review and present model results in customizable animations including dynamic long section, dynamic section views, dynamic plan view and the full 3-D perspective view. These animations offer an unparalleled visualization of model results.
- Scenario Manager - easy way to examine "what if" scenarios within a single project without the need of adding redundant data. Compare model results graphically and in tables for various scenarios. A specialized scenario management tool exists also for simulating multiple storms in a single run multiple storms
- Real Time Control - allows the simulation of control (RTC) such as gates, valves, flow regulators, moveable weirs, and telemetry-controlled pumps. An optional RTC add-on module extends the RTC to a comprehensive management and design tool. It's sensors can be any combination of velocity, flow and water level at nodes, conduits, pumps, weirs or orifices in the network.
- EPA SWMM Compatibility - import EPA-SWMM version 5 and the earlier 4.X models
- FEMA Approval - xpswmm is approved by US Federal Emergency Management Authority (FEMA) under multiple categories and results are now accepted for steady state, unsteady state, hydraulic or hydrological applications.
- Hydrology Choices - choose from 14 hydrology methods including SWMM Runoff, SCS Laurenson, SBUH, Rational method, Sacramento methods, LA County Hydrology, and many others.
- Localization - customize the software such as the model's defaults, parameter precision and create and use templates. Many sample templates are provided that contain common data used for typical modeling applications or typical data for a municipality/regions.
- Quick Data View provides one-click access to your model data and results.
- Subsurface Hydrology - account for perched water tables and limited soil storage using groundwater options.
- Conduit Design - design for full, partial flow, pressure flow (minimum allowable freeboard), minimum cover, multiple cells and the ability to select from a list of available pipes sizes.
- xpviewer - distribute your model to stakeholders in a read only format. Model simulations, including all scenarios may be viewed with downloadable free software.
Here are some of the newest features of xpswmm:

The addition of new modeling objects called Catchment Polygons. These polygons can be imported from GIS or drawn on the screen. The catchment polygon can be graphically attached to the node it drains to and the area of the catchment automatically associated to the subcatchment area for the node.

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